SEO with AI: What to Do and What to Avoid

SEO with AI: What to Do and What to Avoid

SEO with AI: What to Do and What to Avoid

Published On - 12/09/2024

In the big world of online marketing, things change fast. To stay on top, you need to be smart. One cool thing that can help is using AI (Artificial Intelligence) for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). AI can make your website appear better on Google and other search engines. But, just like using any tool, you need to know how to use it. This guide will show you how to use AI for seo, so you get the best results.

Understanding AI for SEO

Before we jump into what you should and shouldn't do, let’s understand what AI for SEO is. SEO AI means using special computer programs to help your website appear higher in search results. These programs can help you look at data, find out what people like, and improve your website.

What AI Can Do for Your SEO Strategy

AI can help your SEO in many ways:
  • Speed up Data Work: AI can quickly check lots of information and show you important stuff. This saves you hours of work!
  • Spot What People Want: AI can tell you what your audience likes and how they behave, so you can give them more of what they enjoy.
  • Give Smart Tips: AI can look at your website and suggest ways to make it even better for search engines.
  • Free Up Your Time: By doing boring tasks, AI gives you more time to be creative and plan big ideas.

Now, let’s talk about what you should do with AI for SEO.

Dos of Using AI for SEO

1. Keep Your Hopes Real

When you start using AI, remember it’s not magic. AI can do a lot, but it won’t solve all your problems instantly. Be excited but also be patient. AI has been around for a while, but it’s still growing. New tools come out all the time, and while that’s cool, you don’t need to try everything. Focus on what helps you the most.

2. Set Clear Goals

Before using AI, know what you want to achieve. Do you want more people to visit your website? Do you want your website to be the first result on Google? Set clear goals. Once you know what you want, you can use AI to help you get there.

For example, if you want more visitors, you can track how many new people come to your site and how long they stay. These are your goals, and AI will help you reach them.

3. Use AI to Save Time

One of the best things about AI is that it can save you a lot of time. Things that used to take hours can now be done in minutes, thanks to AI. This gives you more time to think of new ideas and make your website even better.

For example, AI can:
  • Look at Data: AI tools like Google Analytics can look at your data and find patterns, helping you make smarter choices.
  • Make Cool Charts: AI tools like Tableau can quickly make charts and graphs to show you how your SEO is doing.
  • Predict What Will Happen: Tools like ClickFlow can guess how changes to your SEO strategy might work out, helping you focus on the best ideas.

By letting AI handle these tasks, you can spend more time being creative and strategic.

4. Try A/B Testing with AI

A/B testing is when you make two different versions of something and see which one works better. AI can make this process faster and easier. This helps you figure out what your audience likes best.

AI can:
  • Create Different Versions: AI can make multiple versions of your content, like headlines or articles, so you can see which one works better.
  • Speed Up Testing: AI tools like Optimizely or RankScience can run tests quickly and show you the results.
  • Analyze the Results: AI can look at the test results and tell you which version is the winner.

With AI’s help, you can improve your content and make your SEO stronger.

5. Keep Learning

AI and SEO keep changing, so you need to keep learning to stay on top. The more you know, the better you can use AI to help your website.

To keep learning, you can:
  • Read Blogs: Stay updated by reading about the latest SEO trends and tips.
  • Take Courses: Sign up for online courses or workshops to learn more about AI and SEO.
  • Experiment with AI: Try out different AI tools and see what works best for your website.

By always learning, you can make sure your SEO strategy stays fresh and effective.

6. Start Your Content with AI

AI can help you start writing by giving you ideas or making an outline. But remember, AI is just a helper, not a replacement for your creativity.

AI can:
  • Organize Your Thoughts: AI can create outlines to help you structure your content.
  • Generate Ideas: If you’re stuck, AI can suggest topics or angles for your content.
  • Offer Improvement Tips: AI can check your writing and suggest ways to make it better for search engines.

But always remember to add your personal touch. AI can help, but your creativity makes your content special.

7. Watch How AI Performs

AI tools can do a lot, but you need to keep an eye on them. Regularly check how well your AI-driven SEO efforts are working. If something isn’t working, change it up.

For example, if you’re using AI to optimize your content, check how it’s performing. If it’s not doing well, try a different approach. By watching closely, you can make sure AI helps your SEO strategy succeed.

8. Know Your Audience with AI

AI is super helpful when it comes to understanding your audience. Knowing what your audience likes helps you create content that they love.

AI tools can:
  • Read Audience Feelings: AI tools like MonkeyLearn can check what people are saying about your brand online and tell you if they feel happy, sad, or something else.
  • Track How People Use Your Site: Tools like Google Analytics can show you what people do on your website, helping you understand what they like or don’t like.
  • Group Your Audience: AI can help you split your audience into groups based on their behavior, so you can make more targeted SEO strategies.

By using AI to learn about your audience, you can create content and strategies that they will love.

Don’ts of Using AI for SEO

1. Don’t Dive In Without a Plan

Don’t jump into using AI without a plan. AI is strong, but it needs direction. Without a clear plan, you might waste time and effort.

Before you start, make a roadmap that shows your goals, audience, and tactics. This plan will guide you in using AI effectively and ensure you stay on track.

2. Don’t Let AI Do All the Work

AI can help with content, but don’t let it do everything. AI-created content can miss the special touch that only you can give. Also, search engines can tell when content is made by AI, which might hurt your SEO.

Use AI as a helper, not a replacement. Let it suggest ideas, outlines, or improvements, but always make sure you add your style and creativity.

3. Don’t Forget Traditional SEO Tools

AI tools are awesome, but don’t ignore the traditional SEO tools that have been around for years. Tools like Ahrefs, Moz, Screaming Frog, and Semrush are still super useful and even have AI features now.

For example, Ahrefs’ Keyword Explorer and Semrush’s Keyword Magic Tool are great for finding keywords. These tools can help you discover important keywords that you might have missed.

By using both AI and traditional tools, you can create a super-strong SEO strategy.

4. Don’t Expect Quick Results

SEO takes time, and AI tools won’t give you instant success. Be patient and stick with your strategy. It might take months to see big changes in your search rankings or traffic but don’t give up.

5. Don’t Forget the Human Touch

AI is powerful, but it can’t replace the human touch. SEO is part science and part art, and your creativity and intuition are key.

While AI can find good keywords or suggest improvements, you are the one who knows your audience best. Use AI to help, but always trust your instincts and creativity to make the final decisions.


Using AI for SEO isn’t just a cool new thing—it’s changing how we do online marketing. AI can help make your SEO better by doing boring tasks, giving you smart tips, and helping you make better choices. But to get the best results, you need to use AI wisely.

By following the dos and avoiding don’ts in this guide, you can use AI to make your SEO even stronger. Remember, AI is here to help, not replace you. Combine its power with your creativity, and you’ll have a winning strategy.

As AI keeps getting better, staying curious and flexible will help you stay ahead. By always learning, setting clear goals, and using both AI and traditional tools, you’ll see great results in your SEO efforts.

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